Friday, March 12, 2010

Freaky Friday...

Is it just me or is everyone wanting to be a photographer these days?? Not that I dont totally support anyone pursuing their passion but come on now!!! Suddenly I am coming across so many new photographer pages on FB and any other social networking sites. People who have never owned a decent camera are suddenly buying $1500 cameras and photo editing software, starting up sites and fan pages and all of a sudden proclaiming themselves to be professional photographers!!! The worst part is they are even charging for their services... wtf??

I dont really know why this bothers me so much, maybe because I have been a freelance photographer for ever and take it as a very personally and have so much pride in what I do. Seeing all these new photographers emerge from the shadows not knowing anything about lighting and composition... ugh... ok really...??

I have never gone the "professional portrait photgraphers" route as I'm not crazy about taking photos of people or trying to force uncomfortable poses on individuals who find it awkward to not make an awkward photo face.
I guess I think that photography is an art, one that takes time and love and passion to perfect... not just a good camera and some photoshop.

Ok I'm going to get off that topic as I can feel my blood pressure rising, instead I support all the wannabee's and hope that they are at least finding joy in what they are doing.

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